Friday, July 19, 2013


Hey guys, so here are the ice skating comics!!! 

First one: 
Me (Minji) and selena are at an iceskating rink (Ana was there too, but shes good at skating, so she ain't gonna be in most of these) and there was this really cool ice skater dude!! he was super good at skating and stuff. He caught our eye and we were like "WoOOOOOooOoOah!" but then Selena loses her balance and we both get knocked down.... and he saw it all!!!!!!!!!!! 

second one:
Okay, I (Minji) am not a good skater.... so i was trying to focus so i wouldn't FALL... but, while i was focusing (really hard ><) Joseph came up behind me and push (more like tapped) me and i fell (not really... like i stumbled and almost fell) (yeah thats how bad i am, all you need to do is tap me)...T^T... but anyways, i try to chase him and push him down too (REVENGE) but he's such a good skater Q.Q... so i was like, MEEEERRRRHHHHHH... then I realized i was originally with Selena, and getting worried cuz i left her... and she turned out to be... yeah... 

Third one:
Ok, so in this one, me and Joseph are taking a break from the skating, and we are drinking hot coco (yum =u= the delicious~ness) and he notices I'm wearing cat ears.... (yeah i was wearing them the entire day, but i was too lazy to draw them in the other ones) so he asks why i wear them, and there is only one answer to that question: BECAUSE THEY ARE CUTE!

Fourth one:
basically its just showing you how much me (Minji) and Selena suck at skating.... yep... we seriously do suck... a LOT


  1. ermergerd minji, this is awesome!!! no, you cant be that bad at ice skating, right. OuO well, either way, its good bonding experience for yah guys. TToTT all alone in the house doing chores, trying to find comfort in doing nothing on the couch. lucky you...i mean, summer school may be hellish, but its something...
