Sunday, July 14, 2013

Don't Touch Me

Kay, so me (Minji) and XingXing went to the korean festival together and met up with Selena and Josh, first thing Josh does is hug XingXing, next he hugs Selena, I find it a little creepy for guys to hug me (unless they are my relative or something) so i was avoiding him.... he still caught me in the end... dang it.... Oh yeah... Josh got a hair cut. :( I hate it T^T waiting for his hair to grow longer again.


  1. ohh come on, you know you two r close, don't avoid him, let him hug you then ask him to get you stuff from the Korean festival.

  2. amg minji >3< <3 nice nice yay ^^ lol...the reasons...the reasons. =u= thank u for not putting hearts in mine <3 i cant wait to see when u put selena in ur mangas snippits! and ikr josh why ur school have to make u cut hair ToT
